Hospitality Energy Brokers     

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Commercial Businesses

A fixed rate plan is a rate that will remain constant for the term of the contract. Regardless of weather, natural events like hurricanes, or current market volatility, your rate will not change. At energy 55 we can set fixed rate plans term length at 12, 24, or 36 months.

Usage Cost:

Business energy usage varies by type of business and time of day that the energy is consumed.

Contract Length:

When you sign up for a longer contract with a supplier for 2 or 3 years, we should be able to secure a lower rate. With longer terms, suppliers are able to forecast usage better. This allows the suppliers to purchase energy futures to balance supply and demand and often pass that savings on to you.

Contract Length:

There are two types of plans, fixed rate plans and variable rate plans. The fixed rate plan is charged at a fixed price for the term of contract, i.e., same electric and gas rate, even if commodity rates change. In contrast, variable rate plan fluctuate with market rates.

We advocate for commercial and consumers to choose a fixed rate because it is a more sure way to possibly save and be certain that the rate is going to be the same depending upon whether you sign a one-year or two-year contract.


Notice To You Prior To Contract Expiring:

In order to avoid your account going out from a fixed rate to a variable rate, Hospitality Energy Brokers will contact you 1-3 months in advance prior to the expiration date of your contract.

Notice To You Prior To Contract Expiring:

In order to avoid your account going out from a fixed rate to a variable rate, Hospitality Energy Brokers will contact you 1-3 months in advance prior to the expiration date of your contract.

Suppliers (ESCO Company)

Energy providers buy energy in bulk at the best times and sell electricity at rates below what the local utility charges, which permits the ESCO company to offer competitive energy rates to customers.

Rate Will Not Change:

Regardless of weather, natural events like hurricanes, or current market volatility, your rate will not change.

Variable Rate:

Your rate is determined by the local market rate and varies from month-to-month as energy prices fluctuates. At any time, you can lock down your electric and gas rate should the market prices start to increase. Just give us a call.

Hybrid of the Variable Rate and Fixed Rate:

The way it works is that a portion of your energy consumption is locked in at a fixed rate, while the remainder is based on an index rate. Mixed will give the benefits from the lower rates when wholesale market prices are down. This hedging strategy reduces your exposure to market price volatility. This plan may consist of either 25%, 50%, or 75% of your supply requirements at a fixed price and the remainder of your supply requirements at our variable price corresponding to commodity rates.


Fast food franchises

Hamburger on sesame bun with onions and tomato

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King size bed hotel room
Front Desk Check In
  1. Decrease Your Electric Bills 

  1. Earn some where about 20% Return on Your Investment

  1. Protect Against Rising Energy Costs

  1. Increase Your Property Value: According to Zillow, solar increases the value of a homeby 4.1% on average.

Pedro Gonzalez

Energy Broker

Let Us Analyze Your Commercial Electric and Gas Bill

 and Provide You With A Fixed Current Market Price So You Can Compare


Pedro Gonzalez functions as a broker for several energy companies, which are commonly referred to as Energy Service Companies (ESCOs). These ESCOs procure electricity at wholesale rates from the open market and sell it to end-users at rates lower than those charged by the local utility. Additionally, ESCOs sell electricity to utility companies after procuring it from a power plant in one location and subsequently transferring it across the grid via a process called “wheeling.”

Switching to an ESCO plan presents two primary benefits. Firstly, customers can secure a stable and fixed rate for their electricity and gas. Secondly, customers can select from various plans that may offer either a combination of regular and green energy or exclusively green energy on a fixed rate, thereby promoting environmental conservation.

Let’s See If We Can lower your

Energy Cost

Hospitality Energy Brokers

302 4th Avenue, Troy, New York 12182


